PKCS#11 Automatic Test
This sample automatically invokes all the main functions of the PKCS#11 API.
The test will chain the following operations:
- C_Initialize
- Start the device events handler
- C_GetInfo
- C_GetSlotList
- C_GetSlotInfo
- C_GetTokenInfo
- C_GetMechanismList
- C_GetMechanismInfo
- C_OpenSession
- C_GetSessionInfo
- C_FindObjects to get the PIN configuration object handle
- C_GetAttributeValue to get the PIN configuration object value
- C_Login as user (using the current user PIN as entered below or the PIN typed on the PIN pad)
- ETC_DeviceIOCTL to get the SWYS features of the SWYS device
- C_FindObjects to get the SWYS certificate handles present on the SWYS device
- C_GenerateKeyPair to create a RSA key pair on the device
- ETC_SignEx to perform a SWYS signature by the SWYS device (MUST be approved by pressing the 'OK' button on the reader)
- C_Sign to create a RSA signature
- C_Verify to verify a RSA signature
- C_Encrypt to create a RSA encryption
- C_Decrypt to decrypt the RSA encryption
- C_CreateObject to create a data object
- C_FindObjects to find the data object handle
- C_SetAttributeValue to set the data object label
- C_GetAttributeValue to get the data object label
- C_DestroyObject to delete the data object
- C_SetPIN to set a new user PIN (using the new user PIN as entered below or the PIN typed on the PIN pad)
- C_Logout as user
- C_Login as Security Officer (using the SO PIN as entered below)
- C_InitToken (using the new PIN as entered below)
- C_InitPIN (using the new user PIN as entered below or the PIN typed on the PIN pad)
- C_CloseSession
- C_CloseAllSessions
- Stop the device events handler
- C_Finalize
Supported hardware:
- eToken / IDPrime card
- CCID reader
- SWAT reader
Prerequisites and general information:
- The token/smartcard must be initialized without enabling the "password must be changed after first logon" setting
- While using a device with a PIN pad, the user authentication will be managed directly on the device
- While using a non PIN pad device, the PIN operations will be performed automaticaly using the values of the PIN fields below
- The new PIN that is used must be compliant with the PIN policy applied to your device otherwise the operation will fail
PIN configuration: